Strategic investment will support ACE in educating high school students in architecture, construction and engineering industries, including as Presenting Sponsor at this year’s ACE Networking Event on Thursday, June 9, 2022
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 – Boston, MA – Boylston Properties, a Boston-based developer of mixed-use properties, today announced a 5-year, $125,000 investment in the ACE Mentor Program of Greater Boston, including the Presenting Sponsor at this year’s ACE Networking Event, this Thursday, June 9. Committing to this multi-year investment, Boylston Properties will put concerted funds, time and team effort into supporting the incredibly vital work ACE Mentor Program does to introduce high school students to the industries of architecture, construction, and engineering.
This year, ACE Greater Boston and Boylston Properties have raised over $515,000 in scholarship funds, and counting, heading towards 100% growth from last year’s event. In a time where there are many causes to support, Boylston Properties decided to put significant support behind ACE Greater Boston for the impact it has on students who have yet to be exposed to the vast opportunities within these growing industries.